Block 7 - The Munitions Entrance

Block 7 - The Munitions Entrance :

Two 'cloches', embedded in the concrete, stand out on either side of the surface of the block. As they were provided with espiscopes, and armed with automatic rifles, they were called 'GFM cloches', which stands for spying to spot out any enemy approach and for short range fire coverage. Each ot them weighs 20 tons and is capped with a 30 cm thick steel sheet.

The way in is protected by a deep moat, which was not only designed to deny the enemy the approach to the embrasures but also to collect such patches of concrete as would flake off when shelled on . Outside depots used to supply the fort with ammunition, foodstuffs and other requirements, by means of diesel loco-tractor drawn carriages and lorries. Handling of the loads took place within the fore area. The 60 cm outside track was, in fact, only ready for use at the beginning ot the battle.

In the background, on the right, an embrasure, armed with an automatic rifle, covered the way in. From there on, the way slants to the left to deny the enemy any direct shooting into the fort. Close before the armoured door there used to be a bridge, which could slide through a hole in the wall, so as to expose a several metre deep ditch, which prevented armed vehicles from driving in.

The Casemates within Block 7 were armed with :

The Block's hind area, an airlock space in-between two armoured doors, located round the bend, was actually used for various purposes, such as crew gatherings, church offices and the like. From this area the carriages used to be pushed into two shafts lying beyond it. The one on the left houses a staircase and an elevator for 2.5 ton loads, whereas the one on the right another elevator for 5 ton loads.

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